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Is it possible to change WhatsApp colors?

October 5, 2021
 min read
Is it possible to change WhatsApp colors?

You probably, if you're reading this text, want to change the colors of WhatsApp, maybe even switch to all the colors of the rainbow.

Unfortunately WhatsApp doesn't allow you to change your colors.


The answer is simple, this is part of Facebook group brand strategy.

Calm down, I'll explain.

Facebook, owner of WhatsApp and Instagram, is a brand and has a visual identity very characteristic of each of its products.

That way, even if it doesn't explicitly have the name of the app, you can already guess what brand we're talking about. Shall we take a test?

See the image below:

cores de branding dos aplicativos do grupo Facebook

Even if no name appears, not even a logo, you know what app we're talking about, right?

And that's called Branding.

The visual identity is so characteristic, that you will associate it directly with that specific brand.

For this reason, Facebook does not allow changing the colors of WhatsApp. And, in its usage policies, it condemns those who do so. Thus, making interface customization applications prohibited and subject to ban, if discovered by WhatsApp.

There is even an application related to changing WhatsApp colors that is a scam: a virus that spreads to other phones, called WhatsApp Pink.

It works as follows:

When installing WhatsApp Pink and run the installation, it closes and shows an error message and doesn't really work. But ingeniously, it remains installed with the mission of spreading among your WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal contacts through messages with infected links.

However, don't confuse it with PinkApp (the one that tells you), which is a corporate communication software integrated with WhatsApp.

PinkApp, despite having a pink interface, fully complies with WhatsApp's usage and privacy policies (If you want to know more about how it works in practice, tap here).

So, it's not possible to have to change WhatsApp colors.

But since everything in life has a way - except death -, I'm going to give you an ingenious solution to change the colors of WhatsApp, at least in the interface that your collaborators will use:

You can hire a WhatsApp Business API and integrate it into your own chat for communication via WhatsApp and then use whatever color you want!

But for that, a technology team is needed to develop this conversation environment.

Another alternative, if you just don't like green (this is the color of your competition too, right?) , is to hire an existing communication tool that is integrated with WhatsApp, such as PinkApp.

So, in addition to all the benefits you have as a management panel, you can have all your conversations in the same place.

And that generates savings, because you won't need multiple phones.

Finally, you still won't have to look at WhatsApp's green anymore.

Therefore, it is not possible to change the colors of WhatsApp, because in addition to not being allowed by the application itself, it would end the process of branding the WhatsApp brand.

An alternative is to use the WhatsApp Business API to integrate with an existing communication tool or make your own communication tool with your company's colors.


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